Pray 365


ISBN: 978-0-9863724-6-9

Publication Date: 01/22/2022

Page Count: 100

Eagles operate on another dimension, and they are known for their exceptional power of vision. As we reflect on every prayer from Exodus to Deuteronomy, I pray you will understand the level and height required to bring your vision and life to manifest all that God has for you as you soar in every area of your life. The mighty Eagle, ever-soaring high, courageous, and strong is known for going to heights beyond the human gaze. The eagle operates at a level hawks, vultures, and cardinals cannot understand. As you soar into these dimensions of prayer, like an eagle, God will push you out of your nest – a place of comfort just like the Israelites left Goshen in Egypt. The sole purpose is for you to shift out of complacency and comfort into a supernatural realm that will exceed your expectations and catapult you into a realm of no limitation.