Do you have any prayer needs? At Relentless Church, we believe in the power of prayer and we are a praying church. Our intercessors are dedicated to making petitions for our children, families, schools, city, nation, and leaders every day.
If you have a specific prayer request, we would love to pray for you. You can send us your request via email at prayer@relentlessc.org or fill out our online prayer request form. Your requests will be kept confidential and will be lifted up in prayer by our intercessors.
In addition to individual prayer requests, we also host a Global Prayer Meeting every Saturday. This is an opportunity for our church community to come together and pray for the needs of the world. If you are in need of prayer support or would like to join us in prayer, we invite you to attend this meeting.
At Relentless Church, we believe that prayer is a powerful tool that can bring comfort and healing to those in need. Let us lift up your concerns in prayer and know that you are not alone. Together, we can pray for each other and bring hope to a world in need.